Hornady SST® Bullets (.308, 180GR)


The Hornady® SST® (Super Shock Tip) is designed to deliver tremendous shock on impact while expanding quickly and reliably, particularly at higher velocities.

Flat shooting and deadly accurate, it’s an ideal bullet for whitetails, as well as most North American game animals from antelope to moose and similar-sized African plains game. The SST® creates a devastatingly large wound channel.

2 in stock

SKU: 30702 Categories: ,
Calibre 30-06 Springfield, 300 H&H Magnum, 300 Winchester Magnum, 308 Winchester
Diameter 0.308 Inches
Quantity 100 Bullet
Grain Weight 180 Grains
Bullet Style Polymer Tip Boat Tail
Ballistic Coefficient 0.480
Sectional Density 0.271